930 100 019 Leisure

MONBAT LEISURE series is specially designed to meet the needs of marine and leisure vehicles. The series offer great starting power and supply for extra electrical equipment and it is perfectly suited for seasonal use. Ideal for motorboats, yachts, motorhomes, caravans and other modern leisure vehicles.
Battery Type

930 100 019

Capacity, C20 (Ah)


Capacity, C5 (Ah)


RC (min)






Dimensions (L,W,H)

353 x 175 x 190


0 ;



Hold Down



  • High cranking power for quick and consistent starts
  • Up to 150 cycles at 50% DOD
  • Dual purpose usage
  • Low rate of self-discharge and long shelf life
  • Supplied charged and ready to fit
  • Enhanced safety due to integrated flame arrestor and carry handle

Recommended for:

  • Yacht, Boats, Caravans, Motorhomes, RV
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